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Picture Book without Words

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Getting Started

Hi everybody! Just a short intro about myself. Ever since I graduated from polytechnic, I started my first job as an assistant teacher in THK EIPIC Centre. From there, I interacted with different preschool kids and learn more about them. It was a very memorable experience for me. I love to be with kids. We have fun, we learn and we grow together. After 4+ years, I resigned. I tried a few other jobs which are not related to kids. Maybe it was fate, or that there is still a part of me which feels strongly connected to kids, which I am not ready to let go yet, that I'm back with kids. :) I am starting my new job as a Chinese speech and drama teacher for preschoolers. When I was young, I used to dislike studying. I started to enjoy studying only when I was in polytechnic. Gone were the days when I used to drag my feet to school. I started to feel the joy of learning something new in school. Learning, gaining new knowledge become something that is really fun for me. (I had a few tea...